Tom Isaac

Tom Isaac

Partner, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP

Tom Issac is the leading authority in Indigenous law across Canada, practising in every province and territory. His recent mandates include advising the Canadian government on how to approach Métis rights nationally, conducting exploratory discussions on the Gottfriedson class action lawsuit against the government of Canada relating to day scholars who attended Indian residential schools as the Minister’s Special Representative, serving and negotiating as the Minister’s Special Representative to the minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs and the premier of the Northwest Territories regarding the South Slave Region of the NWT and discussing with the Canadian government how to pursue a reconciliation framework and settlement relating to Métis s. 35 rights throughout Saskatchewan as appointed lead counsel and negotiator by the Métis nation. He has been appointed before all levels of court as counsel and has published 14 books on Indigenous matters.

“Issac has been a leading authority on Indigenous law for many years. His wide-ranging advocacy across Canada has had a key role in the development of many important legal principles.”