Professional regulation

Legal Aid Alberta to shut down unless province reopens negotiations on governance agreement

Legal Aid Alberta to shut down unless province reopens negotiations on governance agreement

Province's last-minute ultimatum sacrifices organization's independence, says Legal Aid Alberta

Law Society of Ontario seeks feedback on proposed transparency measures

Law Society of Ontario seeks feedback on proposed transparency measures

Consultation period open until November 30

BC Law Society seeks court order to ban Ontario lawyer for licensing violations

BC Law Society seeks court order to ban Ontario lawyer for licensing violations

Lawyers licensed in one province can temporarily practice in another under a mobility agreement

Beth Beattie, co-editor of a book on mental health in the legal profession, on breaking new ground

Beth Beattie, co-editor of a book on mental health in the legal profession, on breaking new ground

Inspired by an LSO summit, Beattie worked with judges and lawyers to share their experiences

Federation of Law Societies raises concerns over BC’s Legal Professions Act

Federation of Law Societies raises concerns over BC’s Legal Professions Act

The Federation echoed BC legal regulator's concerns regarding the independence of the legal profession

BC's Bill 21 aids access to justice, sacrifices independence of legal profession, say lawyers

BC's Bill 21 aids access to justice, sacrifices independence of legal profession, say lawyers

Province's proposed reform of legal regulator has sparked a firestorm among lawyers