Practice management

Lawyers increasingly paying to learn business skills that law school never taught, says coach

Lawyers increasingly paying to learn business skills that law school never taught, says coach

Paulette Nnorom says many lawyers wrongly believe legal training alone provides leadership skills

McMillan shifts focus to steady growth after rapid 2024 expansion

McMillan shifts focus to steady growth after rapid 2024 expansion

Managing partner Bruce Chapple breaks down how US tariffs uncertainty affects client needs

Canadian firms continue to cut pro bono efforts, failing to sustain COVID-era upswing, survey shows

Canadian firms continue to cut pro bono efforts, failing to sustain COVID-era upswing, survey shows

Law firms in Canada lag the UK, the US, and Australia in pro bono engagement

Legal leaders facing overwhelming challenges that require resilience and focus on tech: survey

Legal leaders facing overwhelming challenges that require resilience and focus on tech: survey

With complex cross-border collaboration, consultant Patrick McKenna warns against focus on mundane

Pet custody disputes and use of technology are reshaping family law, says Torkin Manes lawyer

Pet custody disputes and use of technology are reshaping family law, says Torkin Manes lawyer

Technology simultaneously brings benefits and complications: Christine Ashbourne

From tech laggards to leaders: Chris Stock at Clio on lawyers' rapid adoption of AI

From tech laggards to leaders: Chris Stock at Clio on lawyers' rapid adoption of AI

Once slow to adopt tech, law firms are now leading the way, Stock tells the CL Talk podcast