Roundup of law firm resources on COVID-19: July 10 update

This week’s update of resources shared by law firms addressing the COVID-19 crisis

Roundup of law firm resources on COVID-19: July 10 update

Law firms across Canada are sharing their insights on how to deal with the rapidly evolving economic and legal landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a roundup of some of these resources.

Gowling WLG

In “COVID pension regulation amendments create new opportunity for lenders,” Gowlings suggests that banks and other lender financial institutions look into the new relief to the borrowing restrictions applicable to registered pension plans, found in the draft regulations to the Income Tax Act.

In “Québec Reopens Most Sectors,” Stikeman Elliott summarizes the features of the latest stage of deconfinement in the province. The remaining confined sectors have been reopened, subject to certain exceptions.

Other resources:

McCarthy Tétrault LLP

In “COVID-19 Update: Returning to New Office Life,” McCarthy Tétrault provides insight on matters relevant to office life in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, including the pros and cons of working from home and the ways that organizations can help employees who commute.

Other resources:

In “BC COVID-19 Related Measures Act to Help Formalize Emergency Orders Enacted in Response to the Pandemic,” MLT Aikins gives an overview of the proposed B.C. legislation, which aims to allow certain COVID-19 related orders to be extended beyond the end of the provincial state of emergency.

Other resources:

Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP

In “Returning to the Workplace – Preparing for the ‘New Normal’,” Cassels Brock explores how employers can minimize legal risk when reopening the workplace through introducing measures such as health and safety protocols, and wellness and morale initiatives.

Other resources:

In “Temporary Lay-off Period Extended in Newfoundland and Labrador,” Cox & Palmer talks about the recently passed amendment to the Labour Standards Act, which temporarily extends the period of temporary layoff.

Lavery, de Billy, LLP

In “Resumption of Mergers and Acquisitions: What May Change After the Crisis,” the firm looks at possible trends in the M&A market after the COVID-19 crisis, such as an increased reliance on earnout clauses.