Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP represents parties in a commercial case worth $36 million

Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP was listed as representative in four commercial list suits this past week

Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP represents parties in a commercial case worth $36 million

Lawyers at Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP, Blaney McMurtry LLP, MacDonald Associates PC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Aird & Berlis LLP, Robins Appleby LLP, Lerners, Osler, and Gowling WLG are listed as representatives in multiple commercial list matters scheduled before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice this past week. 

The week’s most notable commercial suit was the $36-million case Export Development Canada v. Clearpier Acquisition Corp et al. Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP partner Evan Cobb is a listed representative of Export Development Canada. Respondents, Clearpier Acquisition Corp. And 1000238820 Ontario Inc., appeared to be unrepresented.

The next most notable commercial suit was the $25-million case Axiom Real-Time Metrics Inc. et al v. Schachter et al. Justin Necpal of Necpal Litigation Professional Corporation is a listed representative of Axiom Real-Time Metrics Inc. and three other plaintiffs. Andrew Schachter and six other defendants appeared to be unrepresented. 

A third notable commercial suit was the $24,449,396.98-million case Atrium Mortgage Investment Corporation et al v. Stateview Homes (Nao Towns II) Inc. et al. Chaitons partner Harvey Chaiton is a listed representative of plaintiffs, Atrium Mortgage Investment Corporation and Dorr Capital Corporation. Stateview Homes (Nao Towns II) Inc. and two other defendants appeared to be unrepresented.

Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP is a listed representative in four cases

Jonathan Lisus, partner, acts for Milborne Real Estate Inc. and four others in Milborne et al v Kepinski et al. His practice covers infrastructure disputes, contract and product liability claims, oppression remedies, franchise and securities litigation, and class actions.

Partner, Matthew Paul Gottlieb, is listed as representative of Kingsett Capital Inc. in Hudson's Bay Company ULC Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson ULC et al v KingSett Capital Inc. He Handles business litigation, including corporate and commercial disputes, insolvency and restructuring, as well as fraud and securities matters.

Rahool Agarwal, partner, appears for Dhaliwal, Sukhdev in Dhaliwal v Cheema et al. His practice focuses on complex commercial and civil litigation.

Michael Currie, partner, is acting for ADI Developments (Valera) Inc. and two others in ADI Developments (Valera) Inc. et al v Carttera Management Inc. et al. His practice focuses on a wide range of business litigation, focusing on contract disputes, franchise matters, oppression remedies, injunctions, and class actions.

Blaney McMurtry LLP is a listed representative in four cases

Alexandra Teodorescu, partner, appears for TD Equipment Finance Canada in Bank of Montreal v Worldwide Carriers Ltd. et al. Her practice focuses on commercial litigation and insolvency, including corporate restructurings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and insolvency proceedings under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

Chad Kopach, partner - certified as a Specialist in Construction Law, represents Bonsai Growth Solutions Inc. in Bonsai Growth Solutions Inc. v Manow Piimaadiisiwiin Wichiwaywiin Aroland Agricultural Corp. et al.

Louis Brzezinski, a partner of the firm’s Commercial Litigation Group, is a listed representative of Schindler Elevator Corporation in Hudson's Bay Company Ulc Compagnie De La Baie D'Hudson Sri et al v Revenu Quebec et al.

Eric Golden, partner, appears for Romspen Investment Corporation in Romspen Investment Corporation v Europa 2022 Inc. et al. His commercial litigation practice includes banking and PPSA matters, shareholder disputes, class actions, commercial leasing, real estate litigation, fraud, and defending lawyers in professional negligence claims.

MacDonald Associates PC is a listed representative in three cases

Kevin Lawrence MacDonald is counsel for Ber, Mark and two others in three related matters: Middleton v Direct Broadcast Satellite Communications Inc. et al; JDM Group Ltd. et al v Direct Broadcast Satellite Communications Inc. et al; and Direct Broadcasting Satellite Communications Corporation v Ber, Mark.

McCarthy Tétrault LLP is a listed representative in three cases

Robert Paul Steep - who appears for Voorheis, George Wesley in The Catalyst Capital Group Inc et al v West Face Capital Inc et al - maintains a broad commercial litigation practice with a particular focus on securities litigation, including class actions.

Geoffrey Robert Hall, a partner in the firm’s litigation group, is a listed representative of Criscott Properties Ltd. and two others in Morrell et al v Gheorghiu et al. His practice focuses on corporate/commercial litigation, including contract disputes.

Sarit Esther Batner, Chair of the Board of Partners at McCarthy Tétrault and a partner in the firm's Litigation Group in Toronto, is counsel to Carttera Management Inc. and Urban Intensification Fund 4 LP in Adi Developments (Valera) Inc. et al v Carttera Management Inc. et al.

Aird & Berlis LLP is a listed representative in three cases

William Alexand Chalmers, partner, appears for Cardos, Florin in Morrell et al v Gheorghiu et al. His practice focuses on civil litigation, emphasizing corporate, commercial, real estate, franchise, and municipal disputes resolved through litigation or alternative dispute resolution.

Kyle B. Plunkett, member of the firm’s Financial Services and Insolvency & Restructuring Groups, is counsel to The Toronto-Dominion Bank in The Toronto-Dominion Bank v 2271066 Ontario Limited et al. He is focused primarily on lending, bankruptcy, and insolvency matters.

Steven Leonard Graff, partner, represents Royal Bank of Canada in Royal Bank of Canada v Tung Air Transport Ltd. et al. He focuses on restructuring and insolvency, as well as lending, acquisitions, and divestitures, frequently involving distressed situations.

Gowling WLG is a listed representative in three cases

Duncan Charles Boswell, partner, represents 1000265903 Ontario Inc. and four others in Milborne et al v. Kepinski et al. He handles a wide range of civil and commercial litigation

Katherine Yurkovich, associate lawyer, practising in the firm's Financial Services Group, is a listed representative for The Bank of Montreal in Bank of Montreal v. World Wide Carriers Ltd. et al

Thomas Gertner, partner, is counsel to Metropolitan Partners Group Administration, LLC in Metropolitan Partners Group Administration, LLC v. Alireza Ghadiri et al. His work spans diverse commercial issues, with a focus on banking and insolvency.

Robins Appleby LLP is a listed representative in two cases

Irving Harold Marks, senior partner of the firm’s Litigation and Dispute Resolutions group, is listed as a representative for Saks, Uri in Brenner v. Saks et al.

Joseph Jamil, partner, represented Peakhill Capital Inc. in Peakhill Capital Inc. v. Metamore Inc. His practice covers a wide range of litigation, including commercial disputes, bankruptcy and insolvency, fraud, class actions, and real estate issues.

Lerners LLP is a listed representative in two cases

Lucas Lung, partner, represents Nathan Anderson and Clarityspring Inc. in The Catalyst Capital Group Inc et al v. West Face Capital Inc. et al. Focuses on civil litigation, handling shareholder and commercial disputes, professional negligence claims, class actions, and matters involving administrative and public law.

Spencer Jones, partner, is a listed representative For the Royal Bank of Canada in Royal Bank of Canada v. 2507169 Ontario Inc. et al. Works in commercial litigation with experience in bankruptcy, professional regulation, and contract and shareholder disputes.

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP is a listed representative in two cases

John Alexander Macdonald, partner, is counsel to Royal Bank of Canada, in its capacity as Financial Services Agent in Royal Bank of Canada, in its capacity as Financial Services Agent v. Tpine Canada Securitization LP et al. His areas of expertise include Corporate and Commercial Disputes, Employment and Labour, and Insolvency and Restructuring.

Sierra Farr, an associate, is a listed representative for Comark Holdings Inc. and two others in Comark Holdings Inc. et al v. Doral Holdings Limited et al. Her practice focuses on civil and commercial litigation