Ian Holloway

Ian Holloway

Ian Holloway has been Dean of Law at the University of Calgary since 2011. He is currently the longest-serving law dean in North America, and the longest-serving in Canada since 1961. He is also the longest-serving law dean in the history of two different law schools – the University of Calgary, and Western University, where he served as dean from 2000 – 2011.

Canadian lawyers need to replace resilience with real change

Canadian lawyers need to replace resilience with real change

As his tenure as law school dean ends, Ian Holloway reflects on where the profession needs to go

As work from home becomes more widespread, the risk to a cohesive law firm culture grows

Once a firm is just a collection of its parts, the claim to be a learned profession may disappear

Leadership is now confined to two dimensions

COVID-19 restrictions have reduced the face-to-face interaction essential to effective leadership

Legal education in a time of financial restraint

Budgetary woes provide opportunity to break stranglehold of old law-school model, argues Ian Holloway

“Wexit” and the anemic state of Canadian federalism

Albertans – and future lawyers – have an opportunity to revitalize federalism; they should embrace it, argues Ian Holloway

Do not rename Alberta’s Court of Queen’s Bench

Do not rename Alberta’s Court of Queen’s Bench

Dean of law at the University of Calgary Ian Holloway says grammar and history is why the court shouldn’t be renamed the Supreme Court

Blackadder meets the Law Society of Ontario

Blackadder meets the Law Society of Ontario

In Ontario, it is a sad time for self-regulation, argues Dean Ian Holloway in Law School Futures

Ryerson, reform and the pessimistic lawyer

Negativity is the governing professional disposition in which a great experiment in Canadian legal education is about to take place. That is the establishment of a degree-granting law school at Ryerson University.

Now is the benchers’ election of our discontent

This has been a tough winter in Canada — one of the hardest in recent years, climate change notwithstanding. Thanks to extended periods of frigid temperatures in southern Canada, we’ve all had unhappy tutorials in the science of things such as polar vortexes and weather bombs. So it was that it was often warmer in Whitehorse than in Toronto. At least in the circles I run, that meant that February was a grumpier month than it usually is. It also meant that, more than once, I found myself mumbling the Duke of Gloucester’s famous line from Shakespeare’s Richard III, “Now is the winter of our discontent.”

No press is sometimes the best press