Pomerleau Inc.
Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA)
Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
Pomerleau Inc. was selected by Infrastructure Ontario (IO) to develop the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) redevelopment project, involving the design and construction of a new health care campus in Moosonee and a new Ambulatory Care Centre on Moose Factory Island. Once complete, these modern facilities will support WAHA in providing exceptional, culturally appropriate, high-quality healthcare to the James Bay and Hudson Bay region.
The WAHA redevelopment project is being procured using a new progressive public-private partnership (P3) approach. It involves a development phase agreement and a design-build-finance P3 Project Agreement to implement the project. Under the development phase agreement, Pomerleau Inc. will work with IO and WAHA as well as with the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Services Canada to continue to define and refine project requirements. Upon the conclusion of the development phase, construction is expected to begin in 2024.
Led by Pomerleau Inc., the design team includes Kasian Architects Ontario Inc. and Bertrand Wheeler Architecture Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP acted as the financial advisor.
Deal Type
Undisclosed/ConfidentialDeal Status
ClosedClosing Date
12 January 2023