NuChem Sciences buys IniXium


NuChem Sciences

Law Firm / Organization
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP


Fonds de solidarité FTQ

Law Firm / Organization
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
On October 31, 2022, NuChem Sciences, a leading Montréal-based contract research organization (CRO) in drug discovery, announced that it has acquired Laval-based IniXium. The deal was facilitated by an investment from the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. This move allows NuChem to expand its capabilities in producing and understanding biological targets, crucial in new drug creation. The combined expertise of both entities will lead to a new collaboration in structural biology, merging NuChem's medicinal and computational chemistry with IniXium's crystallography team. This partnership will enhance the design of drug candidates using the 3D representation of target protein structures. Moreover, IniXium's production capability enables NuChem to independently produce essential proteins for assessing molecular biological activity. NuChem's CEO, Marc LeBel, highlighted their expansive team, spanning five locations in Québec, and expects to remain the foremost drug discovery CRO in North America. IniXium's officers, René Coulombe and James Féthière, expressed their optimism about the merger and confirmed no job losses. Dany Pelletier, from the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, praised NuChem's prowess and asserted their continued support for its growth, emphasizing their commitment to advancing Québec's science sector. Drug discovery focuses on creating molecules with potential therapeutic properties. IniXium's specialization in crystallographic fragment screening complements this process. Legal representation in the transaction included Fasken for NuChem Sciences, Osler for IniXium, and Blakes for the Fonds de solidarité FTQ.
Merger & Acquisition