- Parties: The appellants were Catherine Bedard, Robert Benison, Philippe Bertrand, Olivier Brouillard, Yannick Coulombe, Eric Demers, Warren Hudym, Eric Humber, Tara Mcdonald, Edward Preto, Ranjit Singh Seehra, James Smith, Jacqueline Spence, Licio Soares, Bruce Trotzuk, and Harland Venema. The respondents were the Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee, the Chairperson of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee, and the Attorney General of Canada .
- Subject Matter: This appeal sought to overturn a Federal Court judgment. The judgment dismissed the appellants’ application for a mandamus order compelling the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s External Review Committee to render its findings and recommendations in the appellant’s matters under the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, 1985 and the Commissioner’s Standing Orders (Grievances and Appeals), SOR/2014-289. The appeal alleged that the application judge erred in law and/or made a palpable and overriding error by concluding that labour law jurisprudence did not apply to this matter. This case is ongoing.
- Date: The hearing was set on Apr. 9, 2025.
- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court of Appeal.
- Amount: No financial award was specified.
Federal Court of AppealCase Number
A-170-24Practice Area
Administrative lawAmount
Trial Start Date
11 May 2024Download documents