Ocean Pacific Hotels Ltd. v. Lee
Ocean Pacific Hotels Ltd.
Tonia Lee
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

J. Wahba

S.A. Quail

Melissa Kramer
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

J. Wahba

S.A. Quail

Jerome Bansagon
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

J. Wahba

S.A. Quail


  • Ocean Pacific, operator of the Pan Pacific Hotel, reclassified 156 employees from regular to casual status in 2020 due to COVID-19. The respondents accepted, believing their health benefits would continue. Benefits were later discontinued.
  • They alleged Ocean Pacific dishonestly withheld information about the temporary nature of benefits, breaching the duty of honest performance.
  • The chambers judge certified common issues related to breach of contract and punitive damages. Ocean Pacific appealed the certification of the duty of honest performance claims.

Decision & Key Findings

  • Appeal Allowed in Part: The Court found that pre-contractual dishonesty cannot support a claim for breach of the duty of honest performance, as established in Bhasin v. Hrynew and Callow v. Zollinger.
  • Certification Overturned: The duty applies to contract performance, not misrepresentations inducing contract formation. Claims should be pursued as fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation, not breach of contract.
  • Amendment Allowed: Respondents may amend their claim to allege breach of the duty of honest performance in relation to their original employment contracts.
  • Remitted to Chambers Judge: The matter is referred back to determine if the amended pleadings meet certification standards.
  • No Cost Order: No costs awarded under the Class Proceedings Act.
Court of Appeals for British Columbia
Labour & Employment Law