Kristin Ernest Hutton v. Ria Sayat et al.
Kristin Ernest Hutton
Law Firm / Organization
Ria Sayat
Law Firm / Organization
Goldblatt Partners LLP
Lynn Duhaime a.k.a. Stephanie Duhaime (former Canadian Charge d'affaires for the Republic of Iraq)
Law Firm / Organization
Department of Justice Canada
His Majesty the King
Law Firm / Organization
Department of Justice Canada
Attorney General of Canada (on behalf of the Department of National Defence, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Canadian Security Establishment/Communications Security Establishment)
Law Firm / Organization
Department of Justice Canada

- Parties: The appellant was Kristin Ernest Hutton. The respondents were Ria Sayat, Lynn Duhaime a.k.a. Stephanie Duhaime (former Canadian Charge d'affaires for the Republic of Iraq), His Majesty the King, and the Attorney General of Canada (on behalf of the Department of National Defence, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Communications Security Establishment). 

- Subject Matter: This matter concerned the appellant's claim for damages based on allegations of political interference in the democratic process, invasion of privacy, misfeasance of public office, and sexual assault in connection with agents, servants, or known associates of the Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS). This appeal sought to set aside the Federal Court's order and reasons. The appeal alleged that the judge made palpable and overriding factual and legal errors by failing to properly consider the mitigating fact of the significant and widespread constitutional and public interest issues that the appellant raised. This case is ongoing. 

- Date: The hearing was set on Mar. 18, 2025. 

- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court of Appeal. 

- Amount: No financial award was specified. 

Federal Court of Appeal
Administrative law
03 June 2024