Bown v Skogheim
Krystle Michaela Bown
Law Firm / Organization
Preszler Injury Lawyers BC

Tyler F. Dennis

Ivor Skogheim
Law Firm / Organization
DuMoulin Boskovich LLP
Gurvinder Sivia
Law Firm / Organization
DuMoulin Boskovich LLP
Good Deal Carpets & Flooring Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
DuMoulin Boskovich LLP

Krystle Michaela Bown sued Ivor Skogheim, Gurvinder Sivia, and Good Deal Carpets & Flooring Ltd. for damages resulting from a motor vehicle accident on December 30, 2016, in Surrey, British Columbia.

Legal Issues:
The court addressed:

  1. Liability for the accident.
  2. Whether the accident caused Bown’s alleged injuries, including psoriatic arthritis.
  3. The amount of damages for pain and suffering, lost income, and costs of future care.

The court found Ivor Skogheim 100% liable, as he made a left turn against a green light and failed to yield. Evidence showed he had consumed alcohol before driving.

Causation and Medical Evidence:
Bown claimed the accident caused soft tissue injuries, headaches, chronic pain, and psoriatic arthritis. The court accepted that the accident caused soft tissue injuries and chronic pain but rejected a causal link to psoriatic arthritis, citing a lack of timely symptoms.

Damages Awarded

  • Non-Pecuniary Damages: $95,000
  • Past Income Loss: $18,000
  • Future Income Loss: $126,000
  • Costs of Future Care: $11,130
  • Special Damages: $584
  • Total Award: $250,714

The court allowed the parties to address costs and interest separately.

Supreme Court of British Columbia
Personal injury law
$ 250,714