Joshaua Beaulieu v. Public Service Alliance of Canada
Joshaua Beaulieu
Law Firm / Organization
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Law Firm / Organization
Champ & Associates

Emilie Taman

- Parties: The applicant was Joshaua Beaulieu. The respondent was the Public Service Alliance of Canada. 

- Subject Matter: This judicial review application sought to quash the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board's decision in Joshaua Beaulieu & Public Service Alliance of Canada (Union of Veterans’ Affairs Employees), 2023 FPSLREB 100. The decision dismissed the application without allowing it to proceed on the merits. The application sought to compel the FPSLREB to extend the timeline to allow the disabled party in this case to make an unfair labour practice complaint and sought to prohibit the FPSLREB from dismissing the cases of applicants whose applications go beyond the window to apply due to the interference of their disabilities. This case is ongoing. 

- Date: The hearing was set on Mar. 12, 2025. 

- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court of Appeal. 

- Amount: No financial award was specified. 

Federal Court of Appeal
Labour & Employment Law
$ 0
02 December 2023