Sniper Pressure Services Ltd v Northbridge General Insurance Company
Sniper Pressure Services Ltd
Law Firm / Organization
Thompson, Laboucan & Epp LLP

Glenn K. Epp

Northbridge General Insurance Company
Law Firm / Organization
Bryan & Company LLP

Ken Haluschak

Key Facts:

  • Sniper Pressure Services Ltd. (Sniper) applied to remove Ken Haluschak as legal counsel for Northbridge General Insurance Company (Northbridge), citing conflict of interest.
  • Sniper’s commercial building suffered two roof collapses (March 4, 2020, and January 17, 2022), both insured by Northbridge.
  • Northbridge paid Sniper ~$2,000,000 and pursued subrogated claims against third parties. Sniper sued Northbridge for an additional $650,000 in unpaid insurance claims.
  • Haluschak represented Northbridge in both the subrogated claim and the defense against Sniper’s lawsuit.

Legal Analysis & Decision:

  • Sniper argued Haluschak was effectively its lawyer in the subrogated claim, triggering a conflict under the Bright Line Rule (CNR v McKercher LLP, 2013 SCC 39).
  • The court found Sniper was only a "nominal client" in the subrogated claim, with no direct retainer between Sniper and Haluschak.
  • No concrete evidence of confidential solicitor-client information being disclosed was established.
  • The application to remove Haluschak was dismissed.


  • Each party was to bear its own costs. No amount determined.
  • The court allowed submissions regarding a Calderbank offer made by Northbridge.

Final Ruling: Haluschak remains counsel for Northbridge; Sniper’s application dismissed.

Court of King's Bench of Alberta
2203 03354
Insurance law