Kruk v. Kruk
Robert Dale Kruk
Law Firm / Organization
PKF Lawyers
Mary Nicole Brita Kruk
Law Firm / Organization
Tapper Cuddy LLP

- Parties: The petitioner was Mary Nicole Brita Kruk. The respondent was Robert Dale Kruk. 

- Subject Matter: The parties married on Dec. 30, 2002 and separated on Mar. 23, 2012 after having three children together, aged 19, 17, and 13 years. The children stayed almost exclusively with the petitioner since the date of separation. 

- Ruling: The court pronounced a divorce judgment. Regarding spousal support, the court fixed the amount of the adjustment at $500,000 based on the evidence and the factors and considerations under s. 15.2 of the Divorce Act, 1985. The court ordered the respondent to pay the petitioner that lump sum amount. The court also ordered the partition and sale of the jointly-owned former family home in Carman. The court likewise ordered the respondent’s continuing duty and liability to pay support even after his death, at which point it would constitute a debt of his estate. The court found it appropriate to require the respondent to pay simple pre-judgment interest for the requisite periods of time applicable on all amounts found due to the petitioner at the “KB Rates.” The court refused to order ongoing spousal support, security for payment of future support (life insurance), and occupation rent in the circumstances. 

- Date: The court released its decision on Jan. 31, 2025. 

- Venue: This was a case before the Court of King's Bench of Manitoba. 

- Amount: The court ordered that it could set a time for counsel to address the costs issue, failing an agreement. 

Court of King's Bench Manitoba
FD 04-01-75578
Family law