Kingsbury v Kingsbury
Kristoffer James Kingsbury
Angela Kathleen Kingsbury
Law Firm / Organization
Pender Litigation

Scott Wright

- Parties: The claimant/respondent on application was Angela Kathleen Kingsbury. The respondent/applicant on application was Kristoffer James Kingsbury. 

- Subject Matter: This application sought to set aside or vary a final order in a family proceeding. The claimant filed a notice of family claim and sought an order for divorce, child support, spousal support, and unequal division of property and debt. 

- Ruling: The court ruled mostly in the respondent’s favour. The court adjusted the respondent’s child support and spousal support based on a material change in circumstances and based on his actual income. The court ordered that the respondent’s income decrease should be applied retroactively to 2018, that the respondent’s outstanding spousal and child support arrears should be rescinded, that the claimant could keep all the payments that she received so far from the respondent, that the respondent had no ongoing obligation to pay the claimant spousal support and child support, that the respondent should pay the $1,000 costs order from his application dated Jan. 10, 2022, that the respondent had no interest in the family residence, that the respondent was solely responsible for the family debt and should indemnify the claimant for it, and that the respondent was the step-father of two children. 

- Date: The court released its decision on Feb. 10, 2025. 

- Venue: This was a case before the Supreme Court of British Columbia. 

- Amount: Regarding costs, the court noted that the respondent achieved substantial success on this application. 

Supreme Court of British Columbia
Family law