Condominium Corporation No. 752 1349 v Muhammad
Haji Sher Muhammad
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified
Raheem Uddeen
Law Firm / Organization
Self Represented
Condominium Corporation No. 752 1349
Law Firm / Organization
Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP

Paul Greep

Case Overview:

  • This case involves an application for permission to appeal a chambers judge's decision to refuse an extension of time to appeal a summary judgment.
  • The dispute originates from unpaid condominium fees and costs stemming from renovations and enforcement actions.

Key Facts:

  • In 2019, the applicant's late father, a condominium owner, failed to pay a special assessment by the lump sum deadline. Monthly fees were increased, but the applicant continued paying the previous amount, leading to accumulated debt.
  • In 2021, the condominium corporation initiated foreclosure proceedings. The applicant made offers to pay the debt, but these were rejected.
  • In 2022, summary judgment was granted for $2,499.12 plus solicitor-client costs. The applicant failed to file an appeal within the 10-day period, expiring December 12, 2022.
  • Costs were assessed in February 2023 at $20,494.77. Enforcement actions included wage garnishment and steps to sell the condominium.

Procedural History:

  • The applicant delayed filing an application to extend the appeal time until March 2024. The chambers judge dismissed the application due to the long delay and lack of merit.
  • The applicant subsequently sought permission to appeal this refusal.

Court Decision:

  • The Court of Appeal dismissed the application for permission to appeal.
  • The decision emphasized:
    • The appeal lacked arguable merit as no error of law was shown.
    • The delay of over a year was unreasonable and lacked exceptional justification.
    • The original chambers decision was discretionary and not clearly unreasonable.

Additional Notes:

  • Costs for this application were awarded under Column 1 of Schedule C at $1,000, excluding unnecessary disbursements.
Court of Appeal of Alberta
Real estate
$ 23,994