Zhang v SkyChain Technologies Ltd.
Ningtao Zhang also known as Bill Zhang
Law Firm / Organization
Direction Legal LLP

David Sue-A-Quan

Vling E-Business Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Direction Legal LLP

David Sue-A-Quan

1151152 B.C. Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Direction Legal LLP

David Sue-A-Quan

SkyChain Technologies Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Whitelaw Twining (WT BCA LLP)
MiningSky Technology Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Whitelaw Twining (WT BCA LLP)
MiningSky Technologies (Manitoba) Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Whitelaw Twining (WT BCA LLP)
SkyRendering Technologies Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Whitelaw Twining (WT BCA LLP)
MiningSky Container Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Whitelaw Twining (WT BCA LLP)
10117749 Manitoba Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Whitelaw Twining (WT BCA LLP)

Ningtao Zhang (also known as Bill Zhang) and his companies, Vling E-Business Ltd. and 1151152 B.C. Ltd., sued SkyChain Technologies Ltd. and its subsidiaries, alleging they loaned money to the defendants, which remained unpaid. Zhang was previously CEO and Director of SkyChain but was terminated in 2022. The plaintiffs obtained pre-judgment garnishing orders totaling $114,465.96, which SkyChain sought to set aside.

Legal Issues:
SkyChain argued the garnishing orders should be set aside because:

  1. Misleading Affidavits – Zhang allegedly misrepresented loan terms and included interest without contractual basis.
  2. Failure to Disclose Material Facts – SkyChain claimed no proper approval of loans, and its financial statements contradicted Zhang’s assertions.
  3. Unclear Debt Calculation – The court found the plaintiffs' spreadsheets difficult to read, containing ambiguous entries.
  4. Delay in Litigation – The plaintiffs failed to advance their claim for over 2 years and 7 months, which the court found unreasonable.

Decision & Amount Ordered:
The Supreme Court of British Columbia set aside the garnishing orders and ordered the return of $114,465.96 (previously garnished funds) plus accrued interest to SkyChain. The court found the plaintiffs’ evidence unclear and their delay unjustified. SkyChain was also awarded costs of the application, though not payable immediately.

Supreme Court of British Columbia
Civil litigation