Estate of Florence Backfat v. Adrian Stimson Sr. et al
Estate of Florence Backfat
Adrian Stimson Sr., Chief of the Siksika Nation, on Behalf of Himself and All Other Members of the Siksika Nation
Law Firm / Organization
Mandell Pinder LLP
Her Majesty the Queen Right of Canada
Law Firm / Organization
Department of Justice Canada

Shane P. Martin

- Parties: The appellant was the Estate of Florence Backfat. The respondents were Adrian Stimson Sr., Chief of the Siksika Nation, on Behalf of Himself and All Other Members of the Siksika Nation, and Her Majesty the Queen Right of Canada. 

- Subject Matter: This appeal sought to set aside an order granting Siksika Nation's motion for the approval of a settlement agreement, discontinuing the action brought by the Estate of Florence Backfat (T-365-01), and discontinuing the following actions with respect to Siksika Nation: Adrian Stimson Sr. et al v Attorney General of Canada (T-4242-71), Leo Youngman et al v Her Majesty the Queen (T-1067-87), Adrian Stimson Sr. et al v Attorney General of Canada (T-365-01), Adrian Stimson Sr. et al v Her Majesty the Queen (T-366-01), Adrian Stimson Sr. et al v Attorney General of Canada (T-368-01), and Adrian Stimson Sr. et al v Attorney General of Canada (T-370-01). The appeal alleged that the Federal Court erred in severing the Estate's claim in T-365-01 from the Siksika Nation's claim. This case is ongoing. 

- Date: The hearing was set on Mar. 3, 2025. 

- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court. 

- Amount: No financial award was specified.

Federal Court of Appeal
Aboriginal law
$ 0
22 April 2022