Taylor v The Western Communities Montessori Society
Devon Taylor, an infant, by his Litigation Guardian, Brent Taylor
Law Firm / Organization
Miller Thomson LLP

Steven Evans

The Western Communities Montessori Society
Law Firm / Organization
Branch MacMaster LLP
Magnus Hanton
Law Firm / Organization
Branch MacMaster LLP

The case arose from events during an October 2021 class trip to Strathcona Provincial Park. Devon Taylor, represented by his litigation guardian Brent Taylor, sued The Western Communities Montessori Society and Magnus Hanton, principal of Westmont Montessori School, alleging defamatory emails, breach of contract, negligence, and breach of fiduciary duty.

Key Issues:

  1. Defamation Claims: The plaintiff claimed four emails sent by Magnus Hanton were defamatory, falsely alleging criminal drug trafficking and harm to Devon’s reputation.
  2. Breach of Contract: The plaintiff argued Devon’s expulsion breached school policies and his contract with the school.
  3. Privacy and Disclosure: The plaintiff sought disclosure of the names and contact details of email recipients and additional details regarding the defendants' privileged communication defenses.

Court Orders and Findings:

  1. The court ordered disclosure of parents’ names and contact information from the Wolf Class but excluded phone numbers and email addresses, citing proportionality and privacy.
  2. The defendants were compelled to provide particulars on allegations of truth, privilege, and public interest in their defense of the defamatory statements.
  3. The court denied a further examination of Mr. Hanton but allowed for re-application pending additional disclosure.

Outcome and Costs:
Each party bore their own costs. The court did not make an award in favor of either party in this procedural ruling.

Supreme Court of British Columbia
Tort law