Çolakoglu Metalurji A.S. et al. v. Altasteel Inc., et al.
Çolakoglu Metalurji A.S.
Law Firm / Organization
Aitken Klee LLP
Law Firm / Organization

Victoria Bazan

I?çdas Çelik Enerji Tersane Ve Ulasim A.S.
Law Firm / Organization
Aitken Klee LLP
Law Firm / Organization

Victoria Bazan

Ekinciler Demir Ve Çelik Sanayi A.S.
Law Firm / Organization
Aitken Klee LLP
Law Firm / Organization

Victoria Bazan

Kroman Çelik Sanayii A.S.
Law Firm / Organization
Aitken Klee LLP
Law Firm / Organization

Victoria Bazan

Kaptan Demir Çelik Endüstri Ve Ticaret A.S.
Law Firm / Organization
Aitken Klee LLP
Law Firm / Organization

Victoria Bazan

Turkish Steel Exporters’ Association
Law Firm / Organization
Aitken Klee LLP
Law Firm / Organization

Victoria Bazan

Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation
Max Aicher (North America) Inc.
AltaSteel Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Conlin Bedard LLP

Benjamin P. Bedard

ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada, G.P.
Law Firm / Organization
Conlin Bedard LLP

- Parties: The appellants were Çolakoglu Metalurji A.S., I?çdas Çelik Enerji Tersane Ve Ulasim A.S., Ekinciler Demir Ve Çelik Sanayi A.S., Kroman Çelik Sanayii A.S., Kaptan Demir Çelik Endüstri Ve Ticaret A.S., and Turkish Steel Exporters’ Association. The respondents were Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation, Max Aicher (North America) Inc., AltaSteel Inc., and ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada, G.P. 

- Subject Matter: This appeal asked the appeal court to set aside a Federal Court judgment striking a judicial review application and to award the appellants their costs. The appeal alleged an error of law in the determination that the Canada Border Services Agency's (CBSA) re-investigation decisions did not directly affect exporters. The appeal alleged that the appeal court's intervention was necessary to correct the law, which currently resulted in an obvious injustice to exporters trading with Canada. This case is ongoing. 

- Date: The hearing was set on Feb. 5, 2025. 

- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court of Appeal. 

- Amount: No financial award was specified.

Federal Court of Appeal
International law
$ 0
29 June 2024