10 Dec 2024
ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd v Alberta Utilities Commission
- Issue: ATCO challenges the AUC’s decision to reopen their 2018-2022 Performance-Based Regulation (PBR2) plans under the “reopener” provisions, which act as safeguards against unexpected results in the operation of PBR plans.
Key Legal Context
- Performance-Based Regulation (PBR): An alternative to cost-of-service (COS) regulation aimed at encouraging efficiency. Under PBR, utilities can retain cost savings achieved through operational efficiencies.
- Reopener Provisions: Allow for adjustments to PBR plans when outcomes deviate materially from expectations, potentially impacting utilities or customers.
AUC’s Decision
- The AUC found ATCO’s PBR2 plans failed to demonstrate cost savings linked to efficiency gains. Customers paid higher rates without receiving intended benefits.
- The AUC reopened the plans, citing insufficient evidence from ATCO attributing savings to specific initiatives and the inability to justify returns exceeding approved thresholds for 2021-2022.
- Potential remedies included customer refunds, deemed not retroactive ratemaking at this stage.
Applicants’ Appeal Grounds
- Unfair Burden of Proof: Argued the AUC imposed unexpected evidentiary requirements, exceeding its statutory authority.
- Legal Error: Asserted the AUC improperly drew negative inferences under the Canada Evidence Act.
- Retroactive Ratemaking: Contended proposed customer refunds violated regulatory principles.
Court’s Decision
- Permission to Appeal: Granted on:
- Whether the AUC’s decision aligns with its legislative framework.
- Legal correctness of the AUC’s use of evidentiary principles.
- Procedural fairness.
- Denied Appeal: On claims related to retroactive ratemaking, as no remedies were finalized.
Successful Party
- No Final Decision on Merits Yet.
- No Monetary Award Determined Yet.