Yashcheshen v Saskatchewan Government Insurance
Alicia Yashcheshen
Law Firm / Organization
Self Represented
Saskatchewan Government Insurance
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

Luc Chabanole

Attorney General for Saskatchewan

Alicia Yashcheshen filed appeals in two related matters against Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), challenging procedural decisions. The appeals arose from interlocutory orders, including rulings on her status as a vexatious litigant and procedural requirements under Saskatchewan’s King’s Bench Rules.

Legal Issues:

  • Leave to Appeal Requirements: Ms. Yashcheshen appealed two interlocutory decisions without first obtaining leave, as required by law.

  • Procedural Fairness: She alleged bias and procedural unfairness, claiming misapplication of court rules and prejudice due to her self-represented status.

  • Compliance with Undertakings: In one action, SGI sought clear responses to undertakings from Ms. Yashcheshen, which she disputed as unnecessary or unfair.

  • Mootness: The court considered one appeal moot, as Ms. Yashcheshen had already complied with the underlying orders.

Court’s Decision:
The Court of Appeal denied leave to appeal in both cases, finding the applications failed to meet merit or importance thresholds. The appeals were quashed as procedurally defective and frivolous. The court emphasized that the procedural decisions did not prejudice substantive rights.

The court ordered costs totaling $2,000 against Ms. Yashcheshen in favor of SGI: $1,000 for each appeal.

Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
CACV4274; CACV4300
Civil litigation
$ 2,000