Lana Racette et al. v. Kurvis Anderson et al.
Lana Racette
Law Firm / Organization
Hill Sokalski LLP

Faye Brandson

Clarence Sumner
Law Firm / Organization
Hill Sokalski LLP

Faye Brandson

Kurvis Anderson
Law Firm / Organization
JFK Law Corporation

Jason Harman

Elsie Thompson
Law Firm / Organization
JFK Law Corporation

Jason Harman

- Parties: The applicants were Lana Racette and Clarence Sumner. The respondents were Kurvis Anderson and Elsie Thompson.

- Subject Matter: This application contested the Pinaymootang First Nation general election for chief and council under s. 31 of the First Nations Elections Act and sought to set aside the election results under s. 35(1) of the Act. The respondents allegedly contravened the Act by offering money, goods, or other valuable consideration to influence persons to vote a particular way under s. 16(f) of the Act. This case is ongoing.

- Date: The hearing was set on Dec. 16, 2024.

- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court.

- Amount: No financial award was specified.

Federal Court
Aboriginal law
$ 0
01 December 2023