Buteau v. Maritime Permanent Roofing Ltd
Allan Robert Buteau
Law Firm / Organization
Self Represented
Amy Lynn Buteau
Law Firm / Organization
Self Represented
Maritime Permanent Roofing Ltd
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
Interlock Roofing Ltd
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
Interlock Industries (Alberta) Ltd
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
I.E.L. Manufacturing Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
Interlock Group of Companies
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
Interlock Metal Roofing Systems AKA
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
Gilles Bourgeois
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
Carole Rundle
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey
Mark Andrew Wenzel
Law Firm / Organization
Stewart McKelvey

·  Claims: Plaintiffs Allan and Amy Buteau sued for breach of contract and negligence over a roofing installation on their property, completed by Maritime Permanent Roofing Ltd. (MPR) in September 2022. They allege that the roof was faulty, leading to leaks and other damages.

·  Defendant's Motion: MPR sought to add 3312739 Nova Scotia Ltd. (the subcontractor responsible for the roof installation) as a third-party defendant, claiming that this company was responsible for the defects.

·  Plaintiffs' Opposition: The Buteaus opposed the motion, arguing that adding 3312739 at this stage would cause delays and undue prejudice. They also claimed that MPR was aware of the installation issues long before seeking to involve the subcontractor.

·  Decision: The court granted MPR’s motion to add 3312739 Nova Scotia Ltd. as a third party. The court found no evidence of bad faith or serious, non-compensable prejudice to the plaintiffs.The court did not grant any monetary damages or costs at this stage.

·  Rationale: The decision ensures all responsible parties are involved in one proceeding, which aligns with the court’s aim of efficient and fair case resolution.

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia
No. 520085
Civil litigation