George v. 2411363 Ontario Inc. (Ontario Health Clinics Brantford FHO Inc.)
Terry George
Law Firm / Organization
Boddy Ryerson LLP

Michael A. Jaeger

2411363 Ontario Inc. operating as Ontario Health Clinics – Brantford FHO
Law Firm / Organization
Daoust Vukovich LLP


Key Points:

  • Claim: Terry George sought to add three individuals as defendants in her wrongful dismissal suit, alleging they were her common employers.

  • Issue: The motion to add them was dismissed on the basis that the limitation period had expired.

  • Appellant's Argument:

    • She claimed she did not discover the basis for her claim against the individuals until 2021 during a discovery process.
    • Argued the motion judge narrowly interpreted her affidavit and overlooked her broader claim of being managed by these respondents.
  • Court of Appeal's Findings:

    • The appellant knew sufficient material facts about the respondents' involvement as her common employers by the date of her termination in 2018.
    • The motion judge did not err in finding the limitation period expired.
    • The motion to add the individuals was rightly dismissed, and the appeal was denied.
  • Costs: The appellant was ordered to pay $30,000 in costs to the individual respondents.

Court of Appeal for Ontario
Labour & Employment Law
$ 30,000