Régis Beniey c. MSPPC
Régis Beniey
Law Firm / Organization
Ministre de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile
Law Firm / Organization
Department of Justice Canada

Sara Gauthier

- Parties: The applicant was Régis Beniey. The respondent was the Ministre de la sécurité publique et de la protection civile.

- Subject Matter: This judicial review application challenged decisions of the Canada Border Services Agency. The applicant alleged that the agency could not rely on s. 19(1) of the Access to Information Act, 1985 to refuse to communicate to the applicant video recordings sought in the request for access to information, to the extent that these recordings contained information covered by s. 3(j) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

- Date: The hearing was set on Sept. 13, 2023.

- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court.

- Amount: No financial award was specified.

Federal Court
Privacy law
$ 0
03 February 2023