Incident Summary: Javecia Williamson experienced complications during an epidural administered by Dr. Jing Jane Wang at Surrey Memorial Hospital on March 25, 2019. The epidural needle broke, and the retained fragment was surgically removed by Dr. Wang.
Legal Arguments/Issues: The plaintiff, Javecia Williamson, claimed that Dr. Wang was negligent in administering the epidural, leading to significant back pain due to excessive force and numerous needle redirections. The defendant, Dr. Jing Jane Wang, argued that the standard of care was met and that her actions did not cause the plaintiff’s ongoing symptoms. Dr. Wang contended that any damages should be limited to the minor surgical procedure to remove the needle fragment.
Expert Testimonies: Expert testimonies played a crucial role in the case. Dr. Darren Ezer, the plaintiff's expert, testified that Dr. Wang used excessive force, breaching the standard of care. In contrast, Dr. Steven Head, the defendant's expert, disagreed, supporting that Dr. Wang met the standard of care.
Court's Findings: The court evaluated the credibility and reliability of witness testimonies and expert opinions. The primary focus was on whether Dr. Wang’s conduct breached the standard of care and if it caused the plaintiff's injuries.
Outcome: The judgment favored the defendant, Dr. Jing Jane Wang, concluding that the standard of care was not breached. The plaintiff, Javecia Williamson, did not receive any compensation for her claims. The court awarded costs to the defendant, but the total amount of costs was not specified in the provided document.
Supreme Court of British ColumbiaCase Number
S212810Practice Area
Tort lawAmount
DefendantTrial Start Date
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