Viking Air Limited v. Cascade Aerospace Inc.
Viking Air Limited
Cascade Aerospace Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

A. Winton

A. Wong

Background: Viking Air Limited (Viking) filed a case against Cascade Aerospace Inc. (Cascade) in the Supreme Court of British Columbia over an "Integration Agreement" for an Avionics Upgrade Program (AUP) on Viking's aircraft.

Key Issues

  • Contractual Disputes: Viking alleged Cascade failed to meet its contractual obligations under the AUP, causing delays and cost overruns.
  • Detinue Claim: Viking sought the return of its CL-215T aircraft, which Cascade withheld, claiming a lien.
  • Integration Agreement Terms: The court examined whether Cascade could legally retain the aircraft under the contract and the validity of its lien claims.

Legal Arguments

  • Viking’s Position: Viking argued Cascade had no lawful basis to withhold the aircraft and sought its return under Rule 10-1(4) and s. 57(1) of the Law and Equity Act.
  • Cascade’s Position: Cascade claimed a lien over the aircraft and argued the contract allowed it to retain the aircraft until the integration services were complete.

Held: Viking was awarded the return of the CL-215T aircraft.

Costs/Damages Awarded: The court addressed the financial obligations and terms of the Integration Agreement, but the document did not specify the total costs or awards in Viking's favor.

Supreme Court of British Columbia
Corporate & commercial law