Issue: The case centered on whether a modular home (Modulux) provided to the defendants was a gift or a loan.
Key Points:
Transaction Details: In 2018, the plaintiff used a home-secured line of credit to buy the Modulux, listing the defendants as owners on the bill of sale. Simone Berg claimed it was a gift; the plaintiff contended it was a loan or alternatively held in resulting trust or due to unjust enrichment.
Procedural History: The initial summary trial application by the plaintiff was adjourned for more materials. Following an appeal by Simone Berg, a rehearing was conducted. The plaintiff amended her claim to include theories like resulting trust and refiled for a summary trial with extensive materials.
Court Findings: The court determined the Modulux purchase was a financial arrangement, not a gift, reflecting patterns from earlier transactions. Payments toward the Modulux were made by Mr. Boone, although inconsistently. The court concluded a loan was likely intended, noting irregular repayments and no similar gifts to other family members.
Supreme Court of British ColumbiaCase Number
S57551Practice Area
Civil litigationAmount
$ 167,120Winner
PlaintiffTrial Start Date
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