Avedian v. Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (Enbridge Gas Distribution)
Bedros (Peter) Avedian
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

Christine Carter

Claudio Petti
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

Christine Carter

Mario D’Orazio
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified

Christine Carter

Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. operating as Enbridge Gas Distribution
Law Firm / Organization
Zuber & Company LLP

James G. Norton

Enbridge Solutions Inc. operating as Enbridge Energy Solutions
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified
Enbridge Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Aird & Berlis LLP
Lakeside Performance Gas Services Ltd. operating as Lakeside Gas Services
Law Firm / Organization
Zuber & Company LLP

James G. Norton

Alpha Delta Heating Contractor Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Lerners LLP

Colin Kirk Boggs

Aubrey Leonard Dey
Law Firm / Organization
Lerners LLP

Colin Kirk Boggs

TQB Heating and Air Conditioning Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Davidson Cahill Morrison LLP
Brentol Bishop a.k.a. Brent Bishop
Law Firm / Organization
Davidson Cahill Morrison LLP


  • The moving parties (plaintiffs) sought to review an order from a single judge of the Court of Appeal, which dismissed their motion for a stay of two interlocutory orders from a case management judge of the Superior Court of Justice.
  • These interlocutory orders vacated the dates for a pre-trial conference and trial, allowing the responding parties (defendants) to bring a motion for directions before trial.

Key Points:

  • The moving parties' motion for a stay of the interlocutory orders was dismissed, and their subsequent review motion to the Court of Appeal was also dismissed.
  • The Court of Appeal agreed with the motion judge, finding no serious issue to be tried that would warrant a stay, no demonstration of irreparable harm, and that the balance of convenience did not favor the moving parties.
  • The Court of Appeal found the stay motion moot, as the vacated pre-trial and trial dates had passed and the motions in question were already heard and under reserve.


  • The Court of Appeal dismissed the review motion, with the moving parties ordered to pay a total of $8,500 in costs to the responding parties who sought costs.
Court of Appeal for Ontario
M54836 (COA-23-OM-0355)
Civil litigation
$ 8,500