6071376 Canada Inc. v. Khedmatgozar
6071376 Canada Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Dentons Canada LLP
Mahmood Khedmatgozar
3966305 Canada Inc.
Capital Dentistry Group Limited
Law Firm / Organization
Gowling WLG
Demetrius Dalios
Law Firm / Organization
Gowling WLG
Mary Beresford
John Doe
Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified


  • 6071376 Canada Inc. (607) appealed against a decision dismissing its application alleging that Dr. Mahmood Khedmatgozar and other respondents engaged in a conspiracy by unlawful means, including a fraudulent conveyance of shares.
  • The application judge found that 607 established the first element of the unlawful conduct conspiracy but failed to prove the remaining elements, particularly fraudulent intent.

Key Points:

  • The case focused on the sale of dental practices owned by Dr. Khedmatgozar and Dr. Demetrius Dalios to Capital Dentistry Group Limited (CDG), initiated before 607 obtained a judgment against Dr. Khedmatgozar.
  • 607 argued the sale was a fraudulent conveyance designed to evade the judgment. However, the application judge found the transaction bona fide, initiated by MCA Dental Group Limited (MCA), and not fraudulent.
  • The Court of Appeal agreed with the lower court, noting that the sale process began before 607’s judgment and was part of a broader acquisition, indicating no fraudulent intent.


  • The appeal was dismissed as the Court of Appeal found no palpable and overriding error in the application judge’s decision.
  • 607 was ordered to pay each set of respondents $15,000 in costs.
Court of Appeal for Ontario
Civil litigation
$ 15,000