AGC v. Ricco King et al.
Attorney General of Canada
Law Firm / Organization
Department of Justice Canada
Ricco King
Law Firm / Organization
Ruttan Bates

Michael Lacy

Elias Ade
Law Firm / Organization
Claus & Drury

Robert C. Claus

Abdul Akbar
Law Firm / Organization
District 5 Law Chambers

Abdul Akbar

Kari-Lynn Grant
Law Firm / Organization
McKay Ferg LLP

Heather Ferg

- Parties: The applicant was the Attorney General of Canada. The respondents were Ricco King, Elias Ade, Abdul Akbar, and Kari-Lynn Grant.

- Subject Matter: This application under s. 38.04(1) of the Canada Evidence Act, 1985 sought an order regarding the disclosure of information referred to in two notices provided to Canada's attorney general. In the notices, counsel for the Public Prosecution Service of Canada advised that they believed that sensitive or potentially injurious information contained in certain documents could be disclosed in connection with Criminal Code proceedings. This case is ongoing.

- Date: The hearing was set on Mar. 25, 2024.

- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court.

- Amount: No financial award was specified.

Federal Court
Criminal law
06 December 2023