Facts: Lynn Ma, as executor of Bailey Mah's estate, contracted to sell a 1969 Mustang Cobra to Braxton Lawrence for $35,000. Lawrence paid $2,000 but disputed the car's value and withheld the remaining $33,000. A promissory note was involved, stipulating Lawrence's payment of the remaining purchase price and legal fees for collection efforts if necessary.
Issue: The main issue was the enforcement of the contract and promissory note, specifically whether Lawrence was obligated to pay the remaining $33,000 and the reasonable legal costs incurred by Ma in collecting this debt.
Court's Ruling: The court upheld the contract and promissory note, affirming that Lawrence owed the outstanding amount. It also ruled on the reasonableness of the legal costs claimed by Ma, finding them excessive in relation to the debt amount and the litigation's complexity. Legal fees were to be assessed based on fairness, proportionality, and the actions of both parties during litigation.
Amount of Costs/Damages Awarded: The court reduced the claimed legal fees from $55,943.95 to $20,000, considering it a fair and reasonable amount in the context of the litigation's complexity and the debt amount involved.
Supreme Court of British ColumbiaCase Number
S225674Practice Area
Civil litigationAmount
$ 20,000Winner
PlaintiffTrial Start Date
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