Hahlweg et al. v. Women’s Health Clinic Inc.
Ken Hahlweg
Law Firm / Organization
PKF Lawyers
Dr. Ken Hahlweg Medical Corporation
Law Firm / Organization
PKF Lawyers
Women’s Health Clinic Inc.

Background: Doctor Ken Hahlweg, a family physician specializing in abortion care, entered into a service contract with Women’s Health Clinic Inc. (WHC) on June 17, 2010, to provide therapeutic abortion services as an independent contractor. Initially, he and Dr. Suzanne Newman each worked one day per week. Over time, WHC hired additional physicians, reducing their procedure days. WHC was publicly funded and offered abortion services two days per week.

Legal Arguments/Issues:

  • Breach of Contract: Dr. Hahlweg claimed WHC breached the contract by reducing his slates without proper consultation, failing to provide annual reviews, and not implementing dispute resolution procedures.
  • Termination: WHC terminated Dr. Hahlweg’s contract with a 90-day notice on July 23, 2020. He argued the notice was insufficient and sought 18-24 months of payment-in-lieu of notice.
  • Dependent vs. Independent Contractor: The court assessed whether he was a dependent or independent contractor, noting dependent contractors might be entitled to more notice upon termination.
  • Defamation: Dr. Hahlweg identified five communications he claimed were defamatory and harmful to his reputation.

Court Findings: The court found any breaches by WHC were minor and condoned by Dr. Hahlweg’s continued work. The termination was valid, and the 90-day notice was reasonable. He was deemed an independent contractor. The communications were ruled true and protected by qualified privilege.

Conclusion: The court dismissed Dr. Hahlweg’s claims for breach of contract, wrongful termination, and defamation, finding WHC’s actions lawful and justified.

Court of King's Bench Manitoba
CI 20-01-29208
Labour & Employment Law