Graf v. Periyathamby
Gary Graf
Law Firm / Organization
Lowes, Salmon, Gadbois & Clarke

Steven D. Gadbois

Valentina Bojic Graf
Law Firm / Organization
Lowes, Salmon, Gadbois & Clarke

Steven D. Gadbois

Easwara Periyathamby
Chitra Subramaniam
Via Realty Inc.
Mahesan Subramaniam
  • Facts: The Grafs intended to sell two income properties to fund the purchase of a restaurant, Oscar's. Agreements to sell the properties failed to close, leading to a lawsuit against the buyers and others involved.
  • Issues/Main Discussion: The case focused on alleged breaches of contract and the existence of a verbal agreement regarding the sale of the properties and the purchase of the restaurant.
  • Ruling: The court found in favor of the plaintiffs, dismissing the defendants' claims of a verbal agreement and ruling that the Grafs were entitled to damages incurred from the failed transactions.
  • Amount Awarded: The decision focused on entitlement to damages rather than specifying an amount, with detailed findings on the lack of credibility in the defendants' version of events. Mr. Subramaniam and Mr. Periyathamby were ordered to pay to the plaintiffs damages in the amount of $76,284.60, plus pre-judgment interest from October 14, 2014, at the rate of 1.3%, payable forthwith.
Superior Court of Justice - Ontario
Civil litigation
$ 76,285