Crisci v. Vancouver Island Health Authority
Elisabeth Crisci
Elisabeth Crisci Professional Corporation
Vancouver Island Health Authority
Law Firm / Organization
Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP

Karen Zimmer

Shauna Tierney
Law Firm / Organization
Branch MacMaster LLP
  • Facts: Dr. Elisabeth Crisci, a physician, filed a lawsuit against Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) and Dr. Shauna Tierney for defamation, breach of contract, and duty, following a complaint made by Dr. Tierney about Dr. Crisci's conduct.
  • Issue: The defendants sought to have the lawsuit dismissed, arguing that Dr. Crisci's claims relied on inadmissible evidence and failed to disclose a reasonable claim.
  • Court's Ruling: The court dismissed Dr. Crisci's claims against VIHA and Dr. Tierney, concluding that the claims were bound up with a complaint process that involved inadmissible evidence under section 51 of the Evidence Act, rendering the claims unsustainable.
  • Costs/Damages: The document does not specify the exact amount of costs or damages awarded following the dismissal of the claims.
Supreme Court of British Columbia
Labour & Employment Law