Harestad v. Harestad
Hunter William Harestad
Law Firm / Organization
Preszler Injury Lawyers BC

Seth Wheeldon

Carl Wayne Harestad
Law Firm / Organization
Corvus Law
  • Facts: Hunter Harestad was injured in a motor vehicle accident involving a truck driven by his father, Carl Harestad.
  • Issue: The court needed to assess the nature and extent of Hunter's injuries and determine the appropriate damages.
  • Court's Ruling: Liability was admitted, with the focus on damages for Hunter's severe back injuries, lifestyle limitations, and future care needs.
  • Costs/Damages Awarded: Hunter was awarded a total of $1,170,000 for damages. This amount consists of: $210,000 for non-pecuniary damages; $60,000 for loss of housekeeping capacity; $10,000 for loss of past earning capacity; $750,000 for loss of future earning capacity; and $140,000 for cost of future care.
Supreme Court of British Columbia
Personal injury law
$ 1,170,000