Deissner v. Boorsma
Pascal Gunther Deissner
Sally Elizabeth Deissner
Wypkje Nynke Boorsma
Law Firm / Organization
Bridgehouse Law LLP (BHL Vancouver)

Ritchie Clark K.C.

  • Issue: Appeal on enforceability and severability of a lease-back clause in a real estate sale agreement.
  • Ruling: Appeal dismissed. The court ruled against allowing appellants to argue a position on appeal that was entirely inconsistent with their stance at trial.
  • Key Points:
    • The lease-back clause was found unenforceable and not severable from the sale agreement.
    • The court emphasized the importance of consistency in legal positions between trial and appeal.
    • Changing legal strategies on appeal without having raised the issue at trial was deemed an abuse of process.
  • Amount Awarded: Not applicable as the focus was on contractual enforceability rather than monetary compensation.
Court of Appeals for British Columbia
Civil litigation