Al-Sudani v. Ghavami
Roxanna Ghavami
Law Firm / Organization
Self Represented
Director, Residential Tenancy Branch
Law Firm / Organization
Haider Al-Sudani
Law Firm / Organization
Moore Edgar Lyster LLP

Scott Garoupa

  • Facts: Haider Al-Sudani (Tenant) sought judicial review against Roxanna Ghavami (Landlord) over a security deposit dispute and procedural fairness in the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) hearing.
  • Issue: The Tenant contested the RTB's decision, which denied him double the security deposit, claiming a breach of procedural fairness and the decision's unreasonableness.
  • Court's Ruling: The court found a breach of procedural fairness due to the imposition of an inflexible time limit during the Tenant's testimony, impacting his ability to present his case. The Doubling Decision was set aside and remitted for a new hearing.
  • Costs/Damages: Each party bore their own costs, and no specific damages were awarded.
Supreme Court of British Columbia
Civil litigation