0994660 B.C. Ltd. v. Vanier
0994660 B.C. Ltd.
Law Firm / Organization
Magnus Law
Dominic Gary Vanier
Law Firm / Organization

Timothy E. Watkins

  • Issue: Whether Schedule E, containing an option to purchase property, was a standalone contract or part of a broader contract of sale.
  • Ruling: Appeal dismissed. The court found Schedule E was not a standalone contract and upheld specific performance, ordering the property's transfer to the respondent.
  • Key Points:
    • The contract aimed to circumvent subdivision restrictions, making its terms complex.
    • Specific performance was granted due to the property's unique significance to the respondent.
    • The issue of consideration for the property's transfer was remitted to the trial judge for determination.
  • Amount Awarded: Specific to costs, the determination of consideration for the property transfer remitted to the trial judge.
Court of Appeals for British Columbia
Real estate