- Parties: The applicant was Le Ministre De L'Industrie. The respondent was Marc Blanchette.
- Subject Matter: This was an application for an injunction made under s. 10(4) of the Radiocommunication Act and s. 26 of the Federal Courts Act. The applicant asked the court to order the respondent to cease operating or possessing a radio device. The applicant requested a permanent injunction under s. 10(4) of the Radiocommunication Act, 1985 and s. 26 of the Federal Courts Act. The applicant asked the court to order the respondent to stop installing, operating, or possessing a radio apparatus without the required radio authorization. On May 1, 2019, in Canada (Innovation, Science and Economic Development) v. Blanchette, 2019 FC 557, the Federal Court allowed the application for a permanent injunction. The evidence showed that the respondent committed an offence under s. 4(1) of the legislation by operating and possessing a radio apparatus without the required radio authorization, the court said. This case is ongoing.
- Date: The hearing was set on May 6, 2024.
- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court.
- Amount: No financial award was specified.
Federal CourtCase Number
T-1456-18Practice Area
Media & communications lawAmount
Trial Start Date
01 August 2018Download documents