- Parties: The applicants were Catherine Bedard, Robert Benison, Philippe Bertrand, Nicole Bonneville, Olivier Brouillard, Katheryn Butler, Yannick Coulombe, Eric Demers, Stephanie Ann Dewitt, Aaron Geary, Warren Hudym, Eric Humber, Jill Jagdeep, Tom Kalis, Daniel Kohl, Tara Mcdonald, Nicolas Morden, Tom Oxner, Edward Preto, Melanie Roy, Ranjit Singh Seehra, James Smith, Licio Soares, Jacqueline Spence, Bruce Trotzuk, and Harland Venema. The respondents were the Attorney General of Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee.
- Subject Matter: This application sought an order of mandamus compelling the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s External Review Committee to render their recommendations in the applicants’ appeal files under the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, 1985 and the RCMP commissioner’s Standing Orders (Grievances and Appeals), SOR/2014-289. The application concerned the timeliness of the External Review Committee's appeal review process and the timeliness of issuing the recommendations.
- Date: The hearing was set on Feb. 21, 2024.
- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court.
- Amount: No financial award was specified.
Federal CourtCase Number
T-1576-22Practice Area
Administrative lawAmount
Trial Start Date
29 July 2022Download documents