- Parties: The applicants were Çolakoglu Metalurji A.S., Icdas Celik Enerji Tersane Ve Ulasim A.S., Ekinciler Demir Ve Celik Sanayi A.S., Kroman Celik Sanayii A.S., Kaptan Demir Celik Endustri Ve Ticaret A.S., Irpex International Inc, and Turkish Steel Exporters' Association. The respondents were Altasteel Inc., Arcelormittal Long Products Canada GP, Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation, Jebsen & Jessen Metals GmbH, and Max Aicher (North America) Inc.
- Subject Matter: This judicial review application under s. 18.1 of the Federal Courts Act challenged the Canada Border Services Agency's decision with respect to the conclusion of a re-investigation concerning certain concrete reinforcing bar originating in or exported from the Republic of Türkiye.
- Date: The hearing was set on Feb. 1, 2024.
- Venue: This was a federal case before the Federal Court.
- Amount: No financial award was specified.
Federal CourtCase Number
T-1199-23Practice Area
International lawAmount
Trial Start Date
10 June 2023Download documents