Helen Brychka v. Canada Revenue Agency
Helen Brychka
Law Firm / Organization
Attorney General of Canada
Law Firm / Organization
Department of Justice Canada

Katherine Matthews


  • Brychka, a self-employed cleaner, received Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), and Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit (CWLB) between September 2020 and March 2022.
  • Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) reviewed her eligibility and concluded she didn't meet income requirements for these benefits, requiring repayment.
  • Brychka argued procedural unfairness and unreasonable decision-making by CRA, stating her income significantly declined due to COVID-19.

Legal Issues:

  1. Benefits Eligibility Review: Assessing whether Brychka met the income requirements for CRB, CRSB, and CWLB.
  2. Procedural Fairness: Evaluating the fairness of CRA's review process and decision-making.


  • Judge: Madam Justice Pallotta
  • Decision: Application for judicial review allowed.
  • Reasoning:
    • Brychka was not fully aware of the case against her and wasn't given a fair chance to respond.
    • The CRA did not adequately explain why her evidence was insufficient to meet the $5,000 income threshold.
    • The Court found that Brychka may have been eligible based on her 2019 income, which wasn't properly considered.
  • Costs: Brychka awarded $400 for out-of-pocket expenses.


  • The Court referred Brychka's eligibility for benefits back to CRA for redetermination by another officer, emphasizing the need for clear communication and a fair opportunity for applicants to respond in benefit eligibility reviews.
Federal Court
$ 400
05 August 2022