Background Facts:
The collision occurred when Williams attempted a left turn at an intersection, and Fedalizo drove straight through it. Williams claimed she had a green light and began her turn as the light turned red. Fedalizo argued that he entered the intersection on a yellow light because stopping safely was not possible.
Legal Issues:
The court addressed liability—whether Williams had the right of way—and the extent of her injuries, including whether she sustained a concussion and its impact on her employment and lifestyle.
Williams contended that she had the right of way and that Fedalizo entered the intersection against a red light. Fedalizo argued that Williams failed to yield and disputed the severity of her injuries.
Court Findings:
The court found Fedalizo fully liable, determining he entered the intersection against a red light. It accepted that Williams suffered significant injuries, including a concussion.
Damages Awarded:
The court awarded Williams:
The court also awarded costs, to be determined through further submissions.
Supreme Court of British ColumbiaCase Number
M201965Practice Area
Personal injury lawAmount
$ 576,505Winner
PlaintiffTrial Start Date
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