Background: The case involves a dispute between the Li Estate (Trustee) as Plaintiff and Clinton Li and Danny Ting Chung Ma as Defendants, regarding a property in Vancouver.
Plaintiff’s Claim: The Trustee alleged that profits from a property sale were used by Ms. Li and Mr. Ma to purchase another property, which was later transferred to Mr. Li. The Trustee claimed a resulting trust against Mr. Li for half interest in this property.
Defendants' Position: The Defendants applied for cancellation of a certificate of pending litigation (CPL) against their property, arguing it hindered planned development. They proposed an undertaking for damages as sufficient security.
Court's Decision:
Conclusion: The Court emphasized the strength of the Plaintiff’s claim and the insufficiency of an undertaking as security, requiring a substantial amount to be posted for cancellation of the CPL and awarding costs to the Plaintiff.
Supreme Court of British ColumbiaCase Number
S228684Practice Area
Real estateAmount
$ 857,832Winner
PlaintiffTrial Start Date
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