Nowlan v. Canada (Attorney General)
Law Firm / Organization
Goldblatt Partners LLP

Colleen Bauman

Law Firm / Organization
Not Specified
  • Sherry Lee Nowlan sought a judicial review of the decision from the Federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board in Nowlan v. Treasury Board (2021 FPSLREB 34).
  • The issue revolved around section 12.1 of the National Joint Council's Relocation Directive.
  • This directive was part of the collective agreement.
  • Nowlan argued her transfer to another office should be seen as employer-initiated, qualifying her for relocation expense coverage.
  • The employer didn't give written certification to state that filling the vacancy wouldn't lead to relocation costs.
  • The court evaluated the Directive and the collective agreement.
  • It found Nowlan didn't get written permission for her expenses due to the employer's misunderstanding about relocation approval.
  • The court stressed the need for clarity in the agreement. - It ruled the employer couldn't choose whether to cover the relocation costs.
  • The court leaned on common sense over technical contract interpretation concerning section 12.1.2 of the Directive.
  • It overlooked both Nowlan's and the employer's failures related to written authorizations.
  • The employer's claim about denying the grievance based on promissory estoppel was turned down by the court.
  • The court determined Nowlan had a right to her relocation expense reimbursement.
  • However, her claim for leave reimbursement during the move was declined.
  • In conclusion, the court supported Nowlan's appeal, directing the employer to pay her relocation expenses.
Federal Court of Appeal
Labour & Employment Law