Luc Bibaud c. Bell Solutions Technique Inc.
Law Firm / Organization
Self Represented

Summary: Luc Bibaud's appeal to challenge an order that struck down his application for judicial review was dismissed by the Federal Court. Bibaud had initiated judicial review concerning an external investigation into his harassment complaints under the Canadian Labour Code at Bell Solutions Techniques Inc. (BST).

Key Details:

  • Initial Complaint: Bibaud alleged harassment at BST and contested the findings of an external investigator.
  • Judicial Review Challenge: Bibaud sought judicial review to annul the investigative report and reassign the investigation. He incorrectly named BST as the defendant, which BST contested, asserting that it was not a "federal body" and thus not subject to judicial review under the Federal Courts Act.
  • Court's Decision: The Federal Court upheld the dismissal of Bibaud's judicial review. The court agreed with BST’s position that it was not a "federal body" and therefore not within the Federal Court's jurisdiction for this matter. As a result, Bibaud’s application for judicial review was considered outside the court's authority.

Outcome: The Federal Court dismissed Bibaud's appeal and confirmed that BST's actions related to employee conduct complaints do not qualify for federal judicial oversight, as BST is not a federal body. The request for costs was also dismissed.

Federal Court
Employment law
03 January 2023